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  • "Working Together For Their Future."

    Give your child every opportunity to succeed in their life. In today's world, post-secondary education is a key part to their success. An RESP is a special savings account that can be opened by parents, grandparents, relatives or friends to make it easier to save for a child's post secondary education. The money in the RESP will be invested so it can grow and earn interest. You will not be taxed on the interest, and your child can usually withdraw the money tax-free. Today many parents utilize government programs to help save towards their children's future education.

    Canada Education Savings Grant ( CESG )
    Basic CESG: The Federal Government tops up your annual RESP contribution by 20% up to $500 a year, per eligible child.
    Additional CESG: Qualifying families may receive up to 40% on the first $500 of annual RESP contributions.

    Both Basic and Additional CESG have a combined total lifetime maximum of $7,200 per eligible child.

    Canada Learning Bond (CLB)
    For qualifying families who open an RESP, a $500 CLB from the Federal Government will be deposited into the child's RESP.
    Annual CLB installments of $100 are also available in each subsequent year provided the family still qualifies.
    Total available CLB grant is up to $2,000 per child to a qualifying family.

    At Casman Insurance, we can help parents in choosing the right plan that best suits their needs, whether individual or Group RESP.

    "Start Early - Earn More." We can help!